JAKARTA - Chairman of the Honorary Court of the DPR RI, Adang Daradjatun invited students to make blood donation a positive lifestyle that must be continued.

"I hope that blood donation activities can become a positive new habit and lifestyle for students, as the younger generation. I see that there are still many students and young people who are reluctant or afraid to donate blood. Even though we get many benefits from donating blood," he said. Adang during a blood donation event at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UI Depok, West Java, Wednesday 6 December.

This politician from the PKS faction explained that a drop of donated blood, apart from being able to help millions of other people, can also make the individual healthy. Because when donating blood, regeneration of new blood cells occurs which ultimately makes the donor's body healthy.

Therefore, Adang, who is also the general chairman of PDDI (Indonesian blood donor association), together with the Indonesian Blood Donor Women's Heroine (SPDDI), in collaboration with the Dean and teaching staff of F-MIPA and BEM F-MIPA UI, as well as PMI DKI Jakarta, came to Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences-University of Indonesia to educate students not to be afraid and hesitate to donate blood. Until finally the target of 300 blood bags in the Goes To Campus event, A Drop of Blood with Millions of Hopes was achieved.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Women's Blood Donor Heroine (SPDDI), Nunun Daradjatun, added that according to data submitted by PMI DKI Jakarta, currently PMI DKI Jakarta's blood requirement every day is around 1000-1200 bags of blood for medical needs, including for mothers giving birth.

"As a response to mothers, this time the blood donation activity is dedicated specifically to mothers. Especially in the series of commemorations of Mother's Day which falls every December 22. On this basis, quite a few students are touched and in the end are interested and participate in donating their blood in this blood donation activity, until the target of 300 blood bags is achieved in this blood donation activity.

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