MEULABOH - The West Aceh District Attorney detained OK (33 years), a former village head (Keuchik) of Suak Keumuda Village, Arongan Lambalek District, a local district as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of village funds for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

"Our suspect will be detained for the next 20 days at the Class II Meulaboh Penitentiary," said Head of the West Aceh District Attorney's Office, Siswanto accompanied by the Head of the Intelligence Section, Agung, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, December 7.

According to him, the detention of the suspect is in accordance with the Detention Order number: B-2226/L.1.18/Fd.1/12/2023, dated December 6, 2023.

Kajari said the detention was carried out by the West Aceh District Attorney's Investigating Prosecutor, in order to speed up the process of investigating the case in question and based on the provisions of Article 21 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (4) of the Criminal Procedure Code.

This is because the suspect OK is feared that he will run away, damage, and destroy evidence or repeat a criminal act.

Kajari Siswanto said that the actions committed by the suspect OK in the case were suspected of causing state financial losses of approximately Rp. 350 million.

The indications of corruption are known because the results of the work on village fund activities are allegedly not carried out or fictitious, but have made a budget withdrawal and work or activities that have not been carried out 100 percent.

"The exact value of state financial losses is still in the process of calculating the Inspectorate," said Kajari Aceh Barat.

In this case, the West Aceh District Attorney's investigator suspects that the suspect OK violated Article 2 paragraph (1) Juncto Article 3 Juncto Article 18 Paragraph (1) letter b of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption Juncto Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

"With the determination of the suspect, it will increase public trust in the West Aceh District Attorney's Office, in handling corruption cases that occur in this area," said Kajari Siswanto.

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