JAKARTA - Member of the PDIP faction of the DPR RI Said Abdullah rejected the Draft Law (RUU) of the Special Region of Jakarta (DKJ) which regulates the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Special Region of Jakarta (DKJ) to be appointed and appointed by the President by taking into account the proposal of the Jakarta DPRD. According to him, this idea is backward because when it was still the State Capital, Jakarta had practiced a good democratic process. "Even the election of the Governor of Jakarta became a national barometer due to the growth of critical participation of Jakarta residents, even though the Jakarta gubernatorial election had been tarnished by the emergence of religious politicization during 2017," Said said in his statement, Thursday, December 7. The PDIP legislator of the East Java electoral district said that his party had taken several attitudes on the existence of a draft of the Special Jakarta Special Region Bill which is now the proposal of the DPR initiative. First, PDIP assessed that the specificity of Jakarta should not be the basis that the governor and deputy governor of Jakarta was elected by the president as the head of government, because it had nothing to do with. "The specificity of Jakarta must be translated as part of the area that keeps the history of the struggle of the nation and state, as well as the area that becomes the center of national and international scale business and financial activities," explained the Chairman of the Banggar DPR RI. Second, Said continued, the particularity of Jakarta in the DKJ Bill which is divided in the authority of government affairs and institutions has not yet fully illustrated Jakarta's ownness. Moreover, it concerns the role and position as a historic region in the struggle of the nation and state as well as the center of the national and international scale business area. "Even though in the DKJ Bill it has been detailed in regulating the authority of Jakarta residents, there are things that are missed, such as the authority of the governance governance of the nation's history in Jakarta," said Said.

Moreover, Said added, as the holder of government power in special areas, the Governor of Jakarta will have more authority than other autonomous regions. Said assessed that he should comply with the principles of democracy. "Because his role as a capital city has ended, and in order to act fairly and congruently like other autonomous regions, then the Regent and Mayor who rule in the Regency and City in the Jakarta area must also be elected through direct regional head elections, as well as have the City Regency DPRD which are chosen directly as well. So that it becomes an autonomous area, no longer as part of the administrative area," he concluded.

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