JAKARTA Residents of Gang Roman, Jalan Kebagusan Raya, Jagarkarsa explained the discovery of the bodies of four children in the room of Panca Darmansyah's father's house, Wednesday, December 6. According to local residents, the discovery of the body began with the smell of carrion that was disturbing local residents.

"It's a carcass until the ceiling is dismantled, I can't find it. Then this morning my neighbor called me, he said, 'Mr. Irwan, please have a carcass next to Pak Panca's house. Please clean up the carcass in the bathroom, there's a bad smell.' It's just like that.' said one of the neighbors at the scene.

Residents are trying to find a source of smell. Because it was suspicious, residents reported it to the police. Residents and officers jointly broke into the perpetrator's house.

After the door was broken down, residents and police found out that there were four bodies of small children who had rotted. The victim's father was also known to be in the house and was trying to commit suicide by slashing his hands with sharp weapons.

Luckily, the victim's father's life was saved and then taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

The dead named Viona Audrey (6), Sopiya (4), Arsa (3), Aska (1). The victims were found in separate places, some in the bathroom and some in the bedroom.

Until now, the police are still at the scene of the crime scene.

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