SRGEN Police conducted an investigation into the theft of a 33,000 watt power generator, belonging to the Bengawan Solo River Basin Center (BBWSBS) located in the 062 River area (PWS) development house, to be precise in the Dukuh Wonosari rice field area, Sambirejo Village, Kalijembe District, Sragen.

The loss of a 33,000 watt power generator located at PWS 062 was first known by generator operator Ikhsan Ari.40, a local resident, on November 30, 2023 at 07.15 WIB, when the person concerned will turn on the generator engine.

Sragen Police Chief AKBP Jamal Alam in his statement through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sragen Police, AKP Wikan Srikadiono, confirmed the theft incident that occurred in PWS 062 Kalijambe District.

He explained that the disappearance of the generator in PWS 062 Kalijambe was the second time, after the generators belonging to PWS in Plupuh sub-district recently.

Currently, this case is still under investigation by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kalijambe Police, in synergy with the Sragen Police Resmob team to find the perpetrators.

Meanwhile, AKP Wikan explained that the incident of the disappearance of the 33000 watt power generator for Rp55,000,000, was first known by the Ikhsan Ari well operator, when he was about to turn on the generator, on Thursday 30 November 2023 at 07.15 WIB.

"The incident of the loss of a 33,000 watt power generator worth Rp 55,000,000 was first known by the operator of the Ikhsan Ari well, when he was about to turn on the generator, on Thursday 30 November 2023 at 07.15 WIB," explained AKP Wikan, Tuesday, December 5.

"Witness Iksan was suspicious that when he arrived at the door of PWS 062, the PWS door was already open and when he was observed it turned out that the PWS door lock, such as having been forced to open and the generator with a power capacity of 33,000 watts used by the Umbulsari farmer group located at PWS 062 Kaljambe, had disappeared," he added.

Due to this incident, the Umbul Umbulsari farmer group PWS 062 Kalijambe District suffered a loss of Rp55 million, then reported the incident to the Kalijambe Police.

Until now, the case is still under investigation by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kalijambe Police together with the Resmob team of the Sragen Police Criminal Investigation Unit to find the perpetrators.

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