TANJUNG SELOR - Governor of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Zainal Arifin Paliwang emphasized that his party together with the University of Borneo Tarakan (UBT) formulated a strategy for the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine. This effort is a commitment to increase the capacity of medical personnel and health services in Kaltara.

"The establishment of the UBT Faculty of Medicine is our concrete step to improve human resources in Kaltara," said the Governor, Tuesday, December 5.

This is because health services at the border are an initiative to care for the generations of Kaltara in the future.

"Education is the right of all citizens, especially our children in Kaltara. This is in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution which outlines the right to education for all Indonesian people," continued the Governor.

The governor said the plan to establish a Medical Study and Medical Education Program at the University of Borneo Tarakan had received approval. His party also appreciated the decision in the hope of improving the quality of health services in Kaltara.

"We are committed to continuing to support the development of health education in Kaltara. The opening of this study program is clear evidence that we are investing in the future of public health in Kaltara," he said.

The plan, continued Zainal, will involve close cooperation between local governments, universities, and stakeholders to ensure the smooth implementation of this program based on Kaltara's vision and mission.

In addition, the Governor also highlighted the positive impact of the plan to open the study program. Such as increasing the capacity of human resources in the health sector can also support the development of the tourism sector and other industries in Kaltara.

"In addition to providing access to higher education in the health sector, the opening of the Medical Study and Medical Education Program at the University of Borneo Tarakan is expected to create new jobs and improve the local economy," he concluded.

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