JAKARTA - The wife of the presidential candidate (candidate) number 3 Ganjar Pranowo, Siti Atikoh Supriyanti, encouraged the women in Muslimat Nahdatul Ulama (NU) to be strong and unite to face the possibility of various intimidation and attempts to scare ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

"To the driving mothers, we must join hands together, we must not be afraid, for example, there is intimidation," said Atikoh in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

The statement was made by Siti Atikoh in a political safari in Ciamis City and Banjar City, West Java, Tuesday.

In Ciamis, Atikoh was present at the Nahdliyin Women's Gathering throughout Ciamis Regency at the Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Ciamis, West Java. After that, Atikoh was present at the recitation of the Muslim women in Banjar City, the Mujtahidin Islamic Boarding School as Sanusiyah Banjar. The participants of the two gatherings were women from Muslimat NU, as well as female students.

"I'm sorry, mother, there is a possibility that we will be intimidated, there is no need to worry, we will not falter, we women are tough women, strong women, not easily moved, the important thing is that we walk in the path of truth, we fight for the truth and for the benefit of the people," said Atikoh.

Atikoh said that he and NU Muslim women will continue to be together so that Indonesia will be more empowered.

Speaking to women, Atikoh emphasized that she believes that women are the pillar of the state. So if the woman is strong, then the state will also be strong.

Therefore, women must educate and be educated early. Girls who study in various schools, including religious-based ones such as pesantren, must be helped in order to gain the highest possible knowledge.

Therefore, ensuring that women get education is important. In that context, support for formal and informal religious educational institutions must be strengthened.

"Because if the education sector is strong, if we talk about the competitive power of a country, the competitiveness of the nation's children, it must be strong education, both at home education," he said.

In this regard, Atikoh assessed the need to pay special attention and regulations to pay attention to religious-based informal education institutions.

"If formal education is clear. Maybe if someone works in the factory there is an UMR, if the teacher has a salary. But if the Koran teacher, then there are no rules in the PAUD sector. This is also homework for all of us," he said.

Atikoh said that often what is considered is just how to help the nutritional intake of children must be complete, but forget mental and spiritual intake.

"So don't just provide nutritional intake but also mental and spiritual intake, it must be our shared responsibility," he said.

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