Garut Police arrested two perpetrators who were a grandfather and his grandson, then a father with a victim of his biological child who was still in school at the junior high school level of Garut Regency, West Java.

"The suspect is threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of five years and a maximum of 15 years and or a maximum fine of Rp. 5 billion and a sentence of one-third of the criminal threat," said Garut Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Dhoni Erwanto, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

The case for the suspect AS (73) to act inappropriately against his biological grandson occurred in Cisompet District, Garut Regency which was revealed after the victim, who was 12 years old or in grade VII, SMP, experienced stomach pain, was then taken to the hospital and it turned out that the victim gave birth to a child.

The suspect's actions, he said, were carried out since the victim was in the second grade of elementary school or 8 years old, which the suspect initially ordered the victim to massage his feet, but the suspect committed further acts by touching the victim's body parts.

The suspect dared to go further against his grandson when he grew up with the mode of the victim being given a pocket of Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 20,000, until finally at the age of 12 the victim gave birth on November 18, 2023.

The victim's parents, said Dhoni, then reported the incident that happened to their child, until finally the perpetrator, who is the grandfather of the victim, was arrested to account for his actions.

"The parents only found out after their child gave birth, then reported it, and now the victim and her child are in good health," said Dhoni accompanied by the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Garut Police, AKP Ari Rinaldo.

A similar case also occurred in Pangatikan District, the incident was that his biological father committed immorality to his 14-year-old daughter who was recognized by the suspect, namely AS (40) who had done it several times.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Garut Police, AKP Ari Rinaldo, said that the father's case against his biological child was carried out by forcing and threatening not to be given pocket money, eating, and being sent to school if he did not comply with his request.

The victim, he continued, was afraid and finally complied with his biological father's request which had been carried out since the age of 13 when his wife or mother of the victim were not at home because she worked as a household assistant.

The victim finally dared to talk about what happened to him to the principal at his school, then the school reported the incident to the victim's family and the victim's mother reported it to the police.

"On the basis of the report, the Garut Police managed to secure the suspect and evidence," he said.

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