BANJARMASIN - Presidential candidate (candidate) number 1 Anies Baswedan promised to build a train connecting Banjarmasin to Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan.

Anies said the mobility of the people between the two cities was quite high. The development, he said, would be a priority for the South Kalimantan region.

"What is no less important is to ensure that infrastructure development to various regions in South Kalimantan is well established," Anies said during a dialogue with the community in Banjarmasin as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

In addition, according to Anies, every development in an area, especially South Kalimantan, must involve the local community. Therefore, he considered, do not let the construction be carried out in Banjarmasin but the people who do it come from outside the region.

"Because we don't want only cities to be built, but also regency areas," he said.

Apart from being related to infrastructure, Anies said human development is also quite important. Because he assessed that human development in Kalimantan was 10 years behind.

"This must be pursued, because in the end development is not about roads, development about the quality of humans," he said.

The distance between the Banjarmasin and Banjabaru areas is around 35 kilometers. The city of Banjarbaru is currently the capital city of South Kalimantan replacing the city of Banjarmasin.

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