TANGERANG - Vice Presidential Candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, wants students from Islamic boarding schools not to be smart in studying.

Gibran visited the Asshiddiqiyah 2 Islamic Boarding School in Batu Ceper, Tangerang City, Monday, December 4. In the question and answer session, Hafiz, a student at the boarding school, is worried that graduates majoring in Ulumul Quran will find it difficult to compete in the world of work.

"We Mahasantri, who are like students, have a Islamic boarding school background majoring Ulumul Quran, how can we get the opportunity in the world of work," he asked Gibran.

"Where does Ulumul Quran get a job? Is it just Kiai or preacher? Even though we want to control certain things. How did Mas Gibran respond to this," he continued.

Responding to concerns from Students at Islamic Boarding School, Gibran wants students to have competitiveness in the world of work in facing the challenges of the 5.0 industrial revolution.

Therefore, the Prabowo Subianto pair asked the students to have other skills ranging from banking to IT.

"If students are definitely good at studying, but we also want students, for example, understand Islamic banking, understand the sharia economy, understand how to da'wah by using social media," he added.

"Understanding the programming to understand coding, understand cyber defense, cyber security, understand agriculture by using AI technology and others, now this will be the next time, yes, this is our homework," continued Gibran.

Gibran then talked about the Abadi Islamic Boarding School Fund. "That's why I asked Pak Kiai and the pesantren board to be able to guard the pesantren's endowment funds," said Gibran.

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