YOGYAKARTA - Will is one of the important documents that every family needs to have. This letter includes an important legacy from someone before he dies for the person left behind. However, there are still many people who do not know how to make a will and their terms.

The will was made with the aim of clarifying the distribution or granting of inheritance and property. With the will, the potential for dispute over property problems in the family can be avoided. In addition, this letter is also a message so that the heirs solve affairs or problems that have not been resolved by the deceased / deceased while still alive.

This letter is a valid statement written by the respondent to provide relics or assets to the desired person. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know how to make a will and the forms of the letter.

Before knowing how to make a will, first you need to know the forms of a will. The will is divided into several forms based on the manufacturing process.

Here are the types of wills and explanations you need to know:

This will was created by the heir without any witnesses. Making a holographic will requires only 1 notary. Examples of this type of will, namely a will on inheritance, but the amount is not too large.

Geheim's will is a secret will that is usually made without the fulfillment of his heir. To make this will, it takes 4 witnesses and 1 notary as a letter deposit until the agreed time.

The openbaar trial is a will made with 2 witnesses and 1 notary. This will has similarities with a geheim will in terms of storage. This will uses a super secret deed with higher legal guarantees.

This will is a will made in emergency conditions, so there was no time to present witnesses or notaries. Examples of emergency wills, namely wills when there is a disaster, war, or quarantine due to infectious diseases.

There are several requirements to make a will. Here are a number of conditions for making a will that you need to know:

The will maker or student must be at least 21 years old. The underage person is allowed to make a will if he is married.

Pewasiat memiliki kemampuan secara masalah dan pemikiran yang sehat. Pembuat will bukan orang dengan gangguan jiwa, keterundangan mental, dan penyakit lainnya yang menurunkan kemampuan berpikirnya.

The will maker must know the parties involved in the preparation of the will, such as notaries and witnesses in it.

Making a will must be based on state civil law or religious law. It would be better if the will was able to fulfill both legal requirements.

There is a message that is conveyed or clearly stated from the respondent to the executor of the will. The contents of the message must be clearly written so as not to cause various assumptions or ambiguities.

The will maker must pay a notary fee of 1% to 2.5% of the estimated value of the wealth. However, this figure can be lower or higher, depending on the selected notary and the type of deed of inheritance.

Here are the steps to make a will that you need to understand if you want to make a will:

First, you have to choose a trusted notary. In addition, make sure the witnesses you invited or present have been recognized or you believe in ensuring the smoothness and safety of the use of wills in the future.

Pewasiat harus membuat will sesuai kebutuhan. Pesan atau kesih yang ditulis dalam surah akan harus jelas dan tidak bermbing atau berpotensi menimbulkan banyak pahlasan.

If the will has been written, you can submit it to the notary that has been chosen. Before the letter is sealed, you can consult or ask the notary for input regarding the completeness of the message in the letter.

As mentioned earlier, the making of a will costs an average of 1-2.5% of the value of the object being intended. The will maker needs to pay the fee in accordance with the decision of the selected notary.

That's how to make an important will is understood by everyone. Making a will is useful for the distribution and distribution of assets or relics to the recipient of the will, as well as avoiding financial problems in the future.

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