TANGERANG - Candidate for Vice President number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka campaigned for Asshiddiqiyah 2 Islamic Boarding School in Batu Ceper, Tangerang City, Monday, December 4. Wearing a black skullcap, Gibran arrived at the Asshiddiqiyah 2 Islamic Boarding School at around 10:50 WIB accompanied by the head of the KH Ulil Abshor Islamic Boarding School. Before going to the boarding school, this morning at around 09.00 WIB, Gibran first greeted the residents of Poris Tangerang. As before, Gibran again distributed books and milk to students who gathered in the Islamic boarding school yard. In his presentation, Gibran emphasized to the students to keep up with the times, especially the industrial revolution 5.0. "Now that is the era of the industrial revolution 5.0, the students must also be 5.0, we want the students to be able to answer the challenges of the times," said Gibran during the campaign. Gibran does not want the students to be underestimated. This is homework for Gibran and Prabowo when elected later. "I'm sorry, don't let the students be underestimated. But we also have to upgrade ourselves, now that's our homework.
In the agenda ‘Gibran Hearing Santri Talks', students ranging from elementary to Tingg College, are enthusiastic about venting about education issues to Gibran. Such as issues of facilities and infrastructure and related to internet technology among Islamic Boarding Schools.

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