JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan assesses that the benefits of developing the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) are mostly felt for state officials rather than the community.

Anies emphasized that he was more concerned with strengthening the basic infrastructure for the people, such as education and health.

"Because, if we look at the benefits of the health facility, all Indonesian people will feel it; but if it is here (IKN), it will be felt by state officials who will work for the country," said Anies while attending "Indonesia and the World 1 Hour with Anies" at the 2023 National Policy (CIFP) Conference on Indonesian Foreign. ) in Jakarta reported by ANTARA, Saturday, December 2.

Anies said this was to answer questions from former deputy foreign minister Dino Patti Djalal. According to Anies, the development of new cities in Indonesia is still not very important as long as the fulfillment of fundamental infrastructure is still not evenly distributed in all regions.

Anies also admitted that he had been asked by a mother about the IKN development. The former governor of DKI Jakarta also asked the mother whether the IKN development was necessary or not.

"Sir, if I, in my house, children still need money for school, and have to pay for motorbike loans, and still pay for household needs. Then, my money is limited. Do I have to take credit for a new house?" Anies said referring to the answer of the mother who asked him.

The mother's answer, continued Anies, was in accordance with her thinking. According to Anies, Indonesia still needs efforts to equalize development, especially in basic facilities, such as health and education facilities.

Therefore, Anies will prioritize the most basic development so that it can be felt by all people in Indonesia. He reiterated that the development of IKN will only be felt by the state apparatus.

"It's very simple, but it's the same as the question earlier, in a situation, we still have to complete some important homework. It seems that that's what we have to prioritize. So, if I look at the international context, then international support is better to build good health facilities throughout Indonesia," said Anies.

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