JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of DKI Jakarta Province did not find any campaign activities in organizing the Kubro Munajat at the National Monument (Monas), Central Jakarta.

"I called friends in the field, it seems that so far there have been no campaign activities. My accuracy is also more about prayer activities, salawat, and others," said the Coordinator of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Bawaslu Province Dispute Settlement Division, Reki Putera Jaya, who was met after the action was reported by ANTARA, Saturday, December 2.

Reki said a few days before Munajat Kubro's activities took place, the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu had coordinated with many parties, such as the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Satpol PP, and the Jaya Military Commander to prevent campaign activities at these activities. The reason is, the permit for these activities is only to call for the Palestinian defense, not for campaigns.

The DKI Jakarta Bawaslu also coordinates with the Central Jakarta City Bawaslu and the ranks below it.

"A total of 28 supervisors are present at the event," said Reki.

Then, continued Reki, his party also gave an appeal letter to the Munajat Kubro 212 committee so that these activities do not include attributes or campaign props for certain election participants.

Although they did not find campaign activities in these activities, Reki said that the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu would still coordinate further with related parties to collect reports of surveillance results.

"What is clear is that until now there have been no findings, but if there is a (report), of course we will follow up," said Reki.

The 212 Kubro Munajat starts at around 03.00 WIB starting with the Tahajud prayer, munajat, Shubuh prayers in congregation, and continues with the national preachers until 09.00 WIB in the morning.

The participants, consisting of children to adults, prayed for the independence of Palestine, which is currently being colonized by Israeli zionists. In this activity, the Chairman of Steering Committee (SC) Munajat Kubro 212 Muhammad bin Husein Alatas also appreciated the initiative of Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi who has consistently defended and fought for the independence of Palestine.

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