Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman supports the investigation of a case of alleged misappropriation of funds for the Indonesia Smart Program (PIP) assistance at SDN Kencanasari, Limbangesari Village, Cianjur District.

"Regarding that there are no deductions for education, let alone misappropriation, I support the case being thoroughly investigated so that there are no more various kinds of people," he said in Cianjur, Friday, December 1, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the actions of these individuals were not in accordance with the educational goals launched by the Cianjur Regency Government, which is intensively increasing the Human Development Index in Cianjur, especially the education sector with various facilities.

The length and average age of school, he said, was increased by directing residents or children of school age to receive various educational support facilities for free with central government programs such as studying at the Center for Community Learning Activities.

"I just received information that there was an alleged misappropriation of PIP assistance and a cut during the disbursement that occurred at SDN Kencanasari which was only a few kilometers from the city center of Cianjur," he said.

Herman emphasized that the legal apparatus should complete the handling of the case, so as not to tarnish the world of education in Cianjur. "I will monitor and ask the education office (disdik) to report the progress of the case," said Herman.

The alleged misappropriation of PIP at SDN Kencanasari was revealed after the parents of students disbursed it to the designated bank, but the aid funds from the central government had been disbursed by unscrupulous persons from the school, so they questioned it to the school.

"The teacher has disbursed the Rp 450 thousand aid money, handed over the money that is the right of our child from the government, but it was cut under the pretext that it did not make sense," said the student's parents, namely Siti (45).

Meanwhile, the Principal of SDN Kencanasari, Yeti Sunaryati, said that he was not aware of any allegations of misappropriation of PIP assistance at his school because he had only served for a few months, and even denied that there was a cut in aid for underprivileged students.

"Maybe the old principal found out, because I've only been the principal here for the middle of this year, so I don't know," he said.

Yeti explained that so far the disbursement of PIP at her school has been in accordance with the procedure, because in 2023 54 students were proposed to receive assistance, while the previous year only 40 people, while the PIP savings book was handed over to the parents of the recipients of the aid.

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