JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked the Ministry of Manpower to ensure the strengthening of stakeholder collaboration related to strengthening labor.

This was conveyed by the Vice President at the Awarding of the 2023 "Naker Award" at Balai Sarbini, Jakarta, Friday, December 1.

"First, the Ministry of Manpower to ensure the strengthening of collaboration between various stakeholders from upstream to downstream, from the training process, to the level of employment in the world of work, including to ensure labor productivity," said the Vice President as quoted by ANTARA.

Second, employers to consistently guarantee workers' rights, as well as support efforts to achieve development priorities.

For example, said the Vice President, in terms of accelerating stunting reduction, exclusive breastfeeding is one of the service coverages that must be met. For this reason, the company must create a work environment that is friendly for breastfeeding mothers.

"Similarly, giving opportunities for mothers to work to ensure that their children under five are monitored for their growth and development in Posyandu or other health services," he said.

In addition, according to the Vice President, corporate social responsibility can also be directed, among others, to support the acceleration of the elimination of extreme poverty through community empowerment.

Third, the Vice President continued, all business actors must always encourage the development of the competence and career of workers, as well as the optimization of technology.

He asked the business world to prioritize the principle of inclusiveness, including by providing fair space and job opportunities for women and people with disabilities, as well as prioritizing recruitment to local workers.

The Vice President emphasized that the use of technology should be carried out not only to maximize productivity, but also to manage the impact of company activities on the environment and the surrounding community.

"Finally, the local government should carefully develop planning and budgeting related to the employment sector, and ensure that business processes run in accordance with employment policies," he asked.

He emphasized that employment planning includes efforts to improve the quality of local human resources education, as well as develop labor skills through training, which can be done through the Job Training Center.

"In addition, ensure the compliance of all parties related to the implementation of regulations in the employment sector, including fulfilling the company's obligations for workers' welfare," he said.

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