Two male Foreign Citizens (WNA) from Malaysia with the initials MEBJ (28) and AABA were deported from Bali. Both were deported after being released from Kerobokan Prison, Denpasar, for drug cases.

"The MEBJ and AABA deportation process is carried out in accordance with the SOP for deportation of the Rudenim, namely escort to the aircraft door," said Denpasar Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) Head Gede Dudy Duwita, Friday, December 1.

MEBJ came to Indonesia on March 4, 2018 via I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali, using Visa On Arrival (VOA). This arrival is the fourth time, where in every visit he admits to using it to watch music events in Bali.

On the arrival of March 4, 2018 at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, 17 ecstasy pills were found during an examination of all bodies.

"THE MEBJ admitted that it brought the illicit goods from Malaysia," he added.

Furthermore, MEBJ was taken to the police station and detained for 2 months. He was transferred to Kerobokan Prison to undergo trial for 4 months.

As a result of his actions, MEBJ was found guilty by a Denpasar District Court judge for violating Article 113 paragraph 1 of the Narcotics Law.

"On November 15, 2023, MEBJ was able to breathe fresh air again after undergoing confinement by pocketing a release issued by the Kerobokan Prison," he explained.

Meanwhile, the foreigner with the initials AABA is another Malaysian citizen who was involved in a drug case in Indonesia.

The beginning of the case was when AABA came to Bali Island on October 23, 2016 using a Visit Visa Free Facility (BVK) with a friend who is also a Malaysian citizen. When checking goods through X-ray, Customs and Excise found drugs in a suitcase brought by AABA.

When searched for the drugs in the form of ecstasy pills, 8.18 grams of methamphetamine, as well as 39.75 grams of Erimin five.

The judge sentenced ABA to 10 years in prison for violating Article 113 Paragraph (1) Jo. 132 Paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

"After serving his sentence behind bars by getting several remissions, AABA was given a release by the Bangli Narcotics Prison on November 15, 2023," he said.

The two foreigners were deported through Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport on November 29.

The cost of return that arises in the form of flight tickets is entirely borne by MEBJ and AABA and both are prevented from entering Indonesia.

"However, a further deterrence decision will be decided by the Directorate General of Immigration by looking at and considering all the cases," he said.

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