CIREBON - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Cirebon, West Java, has given a periodic salary increase to 1,901 teachers who are Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK). The increase in salary is a form of appreciation so that teaching staff can educate students to become smart. "The “SK regarding the periodic salary increase for thousands of teachers has been submitted since last Wednesday," said Cirebon Regent Imron in Cirebon, quoted from Antara, Thursday, November 30. The handover of the decree, said Imron, was intended for PPPK teachers who had been appointed since January 2021 and February 2023. With a periodic salary increase, PPPK teachers can maximize the performance of educating students so that they can excel in the field of academics and non-akademics. " “ All PPPK teachers must be able to carry out their main duties properly and correctly, namely bringing their students to be smart and smart," he said. In addition to the academic realm, Imron also asked all PPPK teachers to help change students' mindset by routinely providing education related to stunting. Because, he said, PPPK teachers have the task of foster parents for students while in the school environment. Moreover, the reduction in stunting rates in Cirebon must involve contributions from all parties. "PPPK teachers are expected to be able to provide education about stunting. So that stunting in Cirebon Regency can be lost. Handling stunting must be a beating, including PPPK teachers,” he said. Meanwhile, the Head of the Cirebon Regency Education Office, Ronianto, explained that all PPPK teachers who now work as state civil servants (ASN) are tasked with being teaching staff in kindergartens, elementary and junior high schools in their regions. For first class PPPK teachers, he said, they would get a regular salary increase on a rapel basis.
The “Tenaga guru tersebut, merupakan guru PPPK yang ditinatkan pada tahun 2021 dan 2022 lalu. Untuk angkatan pertama atau diintangsikan sejak tahun 2021, maka akan mendapatkan kenaikan salary tersimum secara rapel,” katanya. Ia memastikan Pemkab Cirebon akan membayar semua kenaikan salaries tersebut.

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