Presidential candidate number 1, Aniea Baswedan continued activities during the campaign period on her third day by visiting the Persemuan event of the Indonesian Pantekost Churches at GBI Mawar Saron, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. Scheduled, Anies gave a national insight seminar Mubes IX PGPI in 2023. Arriving at the location at 13:53 WIB, Anies was immediately greeted by PGPI administrators in front of the church. Anies arrived accompanied by the Co-Captain of the National Team AMIN Sudirman Said. The former governor of DKI Jakarta wore a black suit and white shirt. A number of media crews immediately recorded Anies' arrival who got out of the car, greeted with a hug by church administrators. While accompanying Anies to enter, one of the church administrators blocked the media crew. "Don't cover it up, sir," said several media crews who were prevented from taking pictures of Anies. "In fact, it's open, I'm not closing it," replied the church administrator. "What do you want to cover like this, sir?" said one of the media crew. "Yes, you are no more important covering, we have the event!," replied the person with a shouting tone.
Responding to the incident, Anies immediately tried to calm the situation while walking into the church. "Calm down, calm down," said Anies. After that, Anies and a group of church administrators entered the seminar room which was held behind closed doors to the public.

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