JAKARTA - The Confederation of Nusantara Trade Unions (KSPN) met Presidential Candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto at his residence on Jalan Kertanegara No IV, South Jakarta.

The arrival of KSPN to Kertanegara was to hold an audience with Prabowo who was accompanied by the Chairman of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Roslan Roeslani.

Rosan explained that the KSPN president and the management and 10 trade union federations also shared their aspirations with Prabowo. KSPN assessed that the vision and mission brought by the Prabowo-Gibran pair was in line with what workers expected.

"They conveyed the vision and mission, and the ideas made by Pak Prabowo were very, very much in line with KSPN. And they also conveyed things that were the inspiration and aspirations of KSPN to Mr. Prabowo Subianto," said Rosan during a press conference in Kertanegara, Wednesday, November 29, evening.

Rosan said Prabowo observed and recorded all input from KSPN in the discussion that lasted for approximately an hour and a half.

"Here he recorded directly, yes, not just listening, taking this, asking for paper, he noted one by one. Mr. Prabowo, it turns out that there are some that are like hospitals, then subsidized houses, then also the most important thing is that job creation is his top priority," he said.

Meanwhile, KSPN President Ristadi revealed that his party together with Prabowo discussed nationality, especially those related to the industrial and labor world.

"Tonight we are all members of the federation and also several representatives of the KSPN DPP who are in touch with Pak Prabowo and we are well received for approximately an hour and a half. We discussed national issues, more specifically about how we look at the world of industry and employment," said Ristadi.

Ristadi said, there are several things and Prabowo's perspective which are very much in line with the aspirations and expectations of KSPN. Especially, how to make the condition of Indonesian workers better in the future.

"We are traveling around the areas of the situation that is now being experienced by our fellow Indonesian workers, the most urgent thing that workers call is their rights, especially in the textile and product sectors. We convey to him that this is a program for the labor industry sector. in the future, the expansion of employment opportunities must continue to be encouraged to recruit friends that we have recorded," he said.

Ristadi also conveyed about workers over the age of 50 who are difficult to enter into companies. He asked to be given a solution such as business capital assistance to help his economy.

"Indeed, it is in his vision and mission as a presidential candidate," he said.

Then, about equitable distribution of the minimum wage. As well as hospital facilities for workers. The reason is, many workers experience illness or work accidents until they die or are disabled due to remote hospitals.

"So we conveyed to Pak Prabowo that this must be immediately built a labor worker hospital, prioritized in industrial-intensive areas, to deal with the situation where workers had an accident or health care so that it could be handled quickly," he explained.

Then, Ristadi continued, related to the subsidies of the house and cooperatives of workers so that they are not in debt for online loans. As well as expressing support for the Prabowo-Gibran pair.

"We through the plenary meeting of the KSPN DPP expressed official support for Pak Prabowo in the 2024 presidential election as well as we are also ready to volunteer for the winning of the Pak Prabowo and Gibran pairs," he concluded.

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