JAKARTA - The Head of the Cinangka Police, AKP Asep Irwan, was transferred from his position in the aftermath of his unprofessionalism in receiving reports from car rental owners which led to the shooting at the KM 45 rest area of the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. AKP Asep Irwan is now on duty at Yanma Polda Banten.
"It is true (there was a mutation), in the context of examination," said the Cilegon Police Chief, AKBP Kemas Indra Natanegara when confirmed, Tuesday, January 7.
Not only the Cinangka Police Chief, there were two members of the Cinangka Police who were transferred for examination. They are Brigadier Deri Andriani and Bripka Dedi Irwanto, who were both transferred to Yanma Banten Police.
"In the context of examination," he said
Previously, Banten Police Chief Inspector General Suyudi Ario Seto revealed the unprofessionalism of his members in receiving reports for assistance prior to the shooting incident at the Tangerang-Merak Toll Rest Area.
He said that in the aftermath of the unprofessionalism of the Cinangka Police Chief, AKP Asep Irwan Kurniawan and two other members, namely Dery Andriani and Dedy Irwanto, were threatened with demotion sanctions to dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) or fired from the National Police.
"And of course we will take firm action against these members, whether ethically the sanctions can be demoted, even the heaviest thing is that they can be PTDH," said Suyudi in his statement, November 6.
"Likewise, the police chief, as the leader at the Polsek, did not carry out good supervision and reliability, of course we will also impose sanctions, both demonstrations and the heaviest is PTDH," he continued.
In this incident the members did not provide assistance to the victim, at that time Ilyas and his team went to the Cinangka Police to make a report of car embezzlement.
The victims were received by picket members, namely Brigadier Dery Andriani and Bripka Dedy Irwanto. Now report it to the police chief asking for instructions," he said.
Then when this incident was reported to the police chief, it was revealed that if it was leasing, there had to be a letter from leasing and so on, documents were asked.
However, members refused to provide assistance.
The results of the Banten Police Propam investigation, it was found that there was a violation of the unprofessionalism against member Dery Andriani. Because there was no response to reports from the public who were supposed to provide assistance to secure the Honda Brio vehicle which was suspected of being embezzled, "he said.
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