JABAR - The Cianjur Regency Government (Pemkab) through its Youth and Sports Education Office (Disdikpora) plans to rebuild the classroom of SDN Mayak 3 which collapsed due to heavy rain accompanied by strong winds recently.

The Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman said the collapsed school building in Cibeber District made dozens of students forced to undergo teaching and learning alternately.

"I have asked the officials at the Cianjur Disdikpora to register and immediately coordinate with the relevant agencies to rebuild the collapsed classroom so that the teaching and learning process is not disturbed by the pity of students," he said in Cianjur Wednesday, November 29, as reported by Antara.

In fact, his party also asked the education office to re-register damaged school buildings that were eaten by age or natural disasters to immediately receive priority for rebuilding, while school buildings damaged by the earthquake will receive priority in 2024.

"We continue to strive to improve the low human development index (HDI), especially the education sector, which is no longer disturbed by the damage to school buildings. We hope that damaged school buildings can be rebuilt next year," he said.

Head of SD Disdikpora Cianjur, Aripin, said that he had visited SDN Mayak 3 in Nyalindung Village, Mayak Village, Cibeber District which collapsed after heavy rains for some time, so that two classrooms could not be used.

"We have checked after receiving information about the damage to buildings at SDN Mayak 3. The damage was two classrooms, one collapsed, the other collapsed and the roof was prone to use in the teaching and learning process," he said.

The damage to the two classrooms, said Aripin, made the school enforce the teaching and learning process in turn, because his party asked that no students be closed while waiting for the rebuilding process to be submitted immediately.

"About 60 students were disturbed by the learning process because they had to take turns, but we are trying to propose that the construction of damaged classes can be carried out immediately," he said.

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