TANGERANG - After having denied allegations of rape against his son, MN (53) was finally taken to the South Tangerang Police. MN is suspected of raping his daughter, FN (17) until she is 18 months pregnant. Head of PPA South Tangerang Police, Ipda Galih, said the perpetrator was arrested last night, Tuesday, November 28. After receiving information from residents. "We have arrested the perpetrator who allegedly impregnated his biological child," said Galih to reporters, Wednesday, November 29. When asked further, Galih was reluctant to answer. Because the perpetrators were still being investigated further at the South Tangerang Police.. "We continued to bring him to the South Tangerang Police for examination," he concluded. Previously, it was reported that a man named MN (53) was suspected of raping his biological child, FN (17) until he was eight months pregnant. Worse, the perpetrator raped his biological child 18 times.

S (39) as the victim's mother said that the incident was revealed after she received a call from a counseling guidance teacher (BK) at her child's school. It turned out that the victim told me that she was raped by her biological father. I know from a BK teacher (school). He told the BK teacher not to me. Then, my child was held (held) from 4 elementary school to 6th grade. Raped in grade 9 of junior high school," said S when met at his home in Pondok Betung, South Tangerang, Tuesday, November 28. Then confirmed to her husband regarding his actions with FN. However, the perpetrator denied and did not admit his actions. No, I did not have sex with him,' said S imitating the voice of the alleged perpetrator.

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