The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has decided that the General Elections Commission (KPU) has been proven to have committed administrative violations related to the representation of women at least 30 percent in the 2024 General Election.

In the verdict hearing at the Bawaslu building, Jakarta, Bawaslu ordered the KPU to make administrative improvements to the procedures, procedures, and mechanisms at the nomination stage for DPR members in accordance with Supreme Court Decision Number 24 P/HUM/2023 and Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Number: 58/WKMA.Y/SB/X/2023 dated October 23, 2023

In addition, Bawaslu also gave a warning to the KPU not to repeat violations of statutory provisions.

In the trial, Bawaslu conveyed 22 points based on the results of the assessment and opinion of the examining panel. In conclusion, the KPU's actions that did not follow the Supreme Court's Decision Number 24P/HUM/2023 were considered as administrative violations of the election in accordance with Article 460 paragraph (1) of the Election Law.

One of the important points in the assessment is the determination of the DPR members' permanent candidate list (DCT) by the KPU on November 3, 2023, which shows that women's representation is below 30 percent of the total 267 candidates from 17 political parties.

This is considered contrary to Article 245 of the Election Law and the norms of Article 8 paragraph (2) of PKPU Number 10/2023 as stated in the Supreme Court Decision Number 24 P/HUM/2023.

Bawaslu also assessed that the KPU was slow in responding to the Supreme Court's decision which was issued on August 29. The KPU only wrote to political parties to comply with the decision, without making improvements to KPU Regulation Number 10 of 2023 (PKPU 10/2023) regarding irregularities.

In addition, Bawaslu highlighted the steps taken by the KPU to submit a fatwa request to the Supreme Court, asking that the Supreme Court's decision only be applied to the 2029 General Election.

The Supreme Court responded through a letter from the Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court, stating that the implementation of the results of the MA judicial review was carried out by the KPU as the respondent himself, and would be held in the 2024 General Election or the next election, not in the realm of the Supreme Court anymore, but in the authority of the KPU.

For your information, the trial took place after a report from KPU members for the 2012 period, 2017 Hadar Nafis Gumay, who is also the Executive Director of Network for Democracy and Electoral Integrity (NETGRIT).

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