JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called for the simultaneous tree planting movement in all provinces in Indonesia by taking advantage of the momentum of the rainy season which will roll from December 2023.

"This is in anticipation of climate change, anticipating global warming that we have felt together and is real, as well as in order to overcome the pollution that exists in Jabodetabek," said President Jokowi after planting also-type trees in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate Forest, East Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 29.

He said planting trees in that location also marks the simultaneous tree planting movement in all provinces in Indonesia by involving the role of relevant stakeholders.

Jokowi said that the declaration of the tree planting movement in Indonesia was adjusted to the arrival of the rainy season which helps the crop growth process through water absorption.

"This movement is because it is during the rainy season, yesterday we didn't do it, because it is still the dry season. This is the rainy season in December, we will do it in all provinces, not only in Jabodetabek," he said.

Jokowi said that the planting of trees carried out by the government in DKI Jakarta Province has spread to more than 900 points.

"If Jakarta has a large tree, it's okay for the small ones, because this is the season for planting, because it's the rainy season," he said.

Jokowi expressed his gratitude for the participation of companies and employers' associations in the tree planting program, including the Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung and the Indonesian Employers' Association (API).

In this activity, President Jokowi led the planting of around 744 types of plants in the City Forest of the Pulogadung Industrial Estate on an area of 1.5 hectares.

The types of plants are Ketapang Kencana 145 tree trunks, Mahoni 167 stems, Pulai 70 stems, Bungur 85 stems, Trambesi 86 sticks, Sawo kecik 87 sticks, Tabebuia Pink 50 sticks, Tabebuia yellow 42 sticks, Buttercup six sticks, Sapang tangan empat batang, and Gayam two sticks.

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