JAKARTA - The euphoria during the 2024 election campaign in Indonesia does not affect Sri (66)'s lifestyle. The elderly woman (elderly) in the Central Jakarta area seems indifferent to the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

"How about it, that's wrong here is wrong. If I choose one more one like the one, aah. In the past he was fine, looking for a lot of money, yes, he is diligent. Eh, it's been good (to be President), it turns out that he has zero (the promise), he forgets the people. I don't want it the second time (hope with the president)," Sri told VOI, Tuesday, November 28.

The grandmother of the two grandchildren admitted that they did not feel prosperous. This is because Sri is still depending on her life through piles of used bottle waste dumped by demonstrators in the area of the Presidential Palace and Horse Statue, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

Every day, the woman from Tasik, West Java only expects a demonstration in the Monas area. Because with crowds such as demonstrations, she can earn income from collecting used mineral water bottles. Sri said, she can get Rp. 15 thousand per day.

"A day if you get a lot of Rp. 15 thousand. If you don't get a lot, it's only Rp. 3,000, first, when you have sold a lot. If you get a lot of Rp. 15 thousand-Rp. 20 thousand," he said.

Sri said that if there was no demonstration, she would not come to the Gambir area to collect used mineral water bottles.

"If there is no demonstration, no, don't look for it. What are you looking for? What you are looking for is empty. If there is a demonstration, it can get at least Rp. 20,000, the price is Rp. 3,000," he said.

According to Sri, he does not think about the contestation of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the Republic of Indonesia in the upcoming 2024 election. Sri only thinks about how she can eat and her needs are met every day.

Sri admitted that if she was not looking for used goods, then she could not survive and continue her life.

"If there is a demonstration, you can get at least Rp. 20 thousand (from the sale of used mineral water bottles)," he said.

Last Tuesday, November 28, was the first day for the contestants to campaign. The three pairs of candidates for President and Vice President who have been appointed by the General Elections Commission (KPU), are competing to get the most votes.

The three Paslons need the voice of the people from various circles, in order to lead Indonesia for the next 5 years. Vice versa, the people also hope that the promises made during the campaign period can be realized.

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