Vice presidential candidate number 3 Mahfud MD took the time to drink coffee with Aceh's young influencer. Mahfud advised not to spread false news or hoaxes that could provoke and divide society.

"You have activities on social media, on any YouTube, never spread the hoax. Make it comfortable for people who read or hear what you made," said Mahfud, who had an influencer dialogue at a coffee shop in Jaboi Village, Sabang Aceh, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

Mahfud, who was warmly welcomed by Acehnese youth who had hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, also reminded the influencer to spread news that was not necessarily true, that it would only be a provocation and that Indonesia would never be a blessing.

"That's for the sake of Indonesia's progress. Because if the harm is distributed, if provocations are distributed, hoaxes, Indonesia will never be blessed," he said.

Mahfud also advised that youth must have capital for hard work and honesty to be successful in achieving their goals. In addition, it is also expected to leave a hedonistic life.

"Don't forget that those who will take care of Indonesia in the future are the younger siblings who will take care of Indonesia later, I will prepare for the road," he said.

According to Mahfud, Aceh has great potential to develop. "The excess of Aceh is because its religious values are preceding other values. This is a special thing that we must emphasize that Acehnese, young Acehnese are ready to welcome Indonesia's future with Ganjar-Mahfud," he said.

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