JAKARTA - The General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) launched three channels for the election hoax complaint on the first day of the campaign for presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"The first channel is a hoax complaint hotline on the internet, both websites/laman and social media, with number 08119810123," said the Coordinator of the Prevention, Community Participation Division, and Public Relations of Bawaslu Lolly Suhenty as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

Second, the complaint channel via social media email @bawaslu.go.id/. Third, the Public Complaints Post channel at the Election supervisory office at all levels.

"This launch is one of Bawaslu's preparedness to monitor election hoax content, as well as strengthen 2 existing complaint channels," said Lolly.

Pertama, melalui media sosial jajaran pengawas Pemilu di seluruh tingkatan. Kedua, laman/website aduan pada portal https://jarimuawasipemilu.bawaslu.go.id/pengaduan.

"Especially for reports of alleged election violations, the channel remains through the mechanism of findings and reports as stated in Perbawaslu Number 7 of 2023 concerning findings and reports of election violations," he said.

Against the complaints received, Bawaslu handled the election hoax content with the following steps. First, the public submits a complaint to the official channel available in Bawaslu.

Second, the Bawaslu internet content monitoring team conducted a study on alleged election violations and/or other violations of the law.

Third, if the results of the study are violations of the ITE Law, the election supervisors coordinate in stages with the internet content monitoring team (siber) in Bawaslu.

Fourth, Bawaslu recommends to the Ministry of Communication and Information to be limited access (take down) by social media platforms.

"Secara umum, strategi pengawasan hoaks terdiri dari patroli pengawasan siber (bekerja sama dengan Kemenkominfo), pemantauan pemberitaan baik melalui portal Intelligent Media Monitoring (https://imm.bawaslu.go.id/) maupun media lainnya, dan kerja sama dengan koalisi masyarakat sipil," ujarnya.

Adapun strategi pencegahan pelanggaran hoaks pemilu dilakukan melalui tujuh bentuk pencegahan. Berdasarkan data pencegahan dari seluruh pengawas pemilu pada tahun 2023 pada laman https://formpencegahan.bawaslu.go.id/ per 28 November 2023 sebanyak 45.023 aktivitas, dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

a. 9,160 identifiability;

b. 12,314 official manuscripts (applications, circulars, instructions);

c. 1,320 education;

d. 1,549 collaborations;

e. 1,518 community participation activities;

f. 2,778 publications; and

g. 16,384 other activities.

Bawaslu appealed to election participants, state officials, and the entire community to jointly fight election hoaxes, as well as submit information/aduan/reports if they find internet content that violates.

He hopes that the 2024 General Election can run honestly, fairly, democratically, safely, peacefully, and far from misinformation.

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