KAPUAS HULU - Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Kapuas Hulu West Kalimantan together with a joint team are looking for an elderly man named Antonius Amau who drowned when a flood hit Jongkong Manday Village, Bika District.

"We received a report from the Bika sub-district head this morning, one resident of Jongkong Manday reportedly drowned in the Manday river," Kapuas Hulu BPBD Head Gunawan told ANTARA in Putussibau Kapuas Hulu, Tuesday, November 28.

To note, currently a number of lowlands, especially the coastal area of the Kapuas River in Kapuas Hulu, have been hit by floods including Bika District, Barak Bay, Tanjung Jati, South Putussibau District and also in the Dogom area, North Putussibau District.

The drowning victim was named Antonius Amau, 87 years old and is a resident of Manin Hamlet, Jongkong Manday Village, Bika District.

The incident occurred estimated on Monday 27 November at around 06.30 WIB.

The victim is known to have left in a small boat with the aim of picking up the leaves of the krotom (puric). However, due to the condition of the current of the Manday River quite heavy due to flood conditions, the victim's boat allegedly sank.

"Residents only found the remains of the victim's belongings and it was confirmed that the victim drowned because the boat sank," said Gunawan.

BPBD Kapuas Hulu saat ini telah turun ke lokasi kejadian dan berkoordinasi dengan Basarnas Sintang dan kecamatan serta desa untuk menurunkan tim gabungan melakukan pencarian, mengingat Desa Jongkong Manday kondisi jaringan telecommunications cukup sulit.

"The condition of flooding like this is that the river currents are heavy, especially in the Kapuas River, it is feared that the victims will be carried away by the currents quite far, so we are still coordinating the technical search," he said.

Regarding the flood conditions in Kapuas Hulu, Gunawan said that until now he had not received an official report from the sub-districts and villages.

"We know that currently there are several villages and lowlands hit by floods, but there have been no reports from the sub-district head and village head even though the report format has been long ago and we often convey it," explained Gunawan.

Floods that are currently occurring in lowlands such as Barak Bay, Tanjung Jati and the coastal areas of the Kapuas river such as Bika, Embaloh Hilir and Bunut Hilir sub-districts.

"The sub-districts and villages should report disaster development conditions, especially floods in their respective areas," he said.

Meanwhile, based on observations at the Barak Bay flood location, Kedamin Hilir Village, South Putussibau District, the water depth is on average 30 to 60 centimeters.

Although the floods have gradually receded, since Monday (26/11) night until now, land transportation access on Jalan Kalimantan Teluk Barak has been cut off, even one school in the area has been closed.

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