JAKARTA - Based on EF EPI 2023 research, Indonesia is currently ranked 79th out of 113 countries with an English language proficiency level that is still in the low category.

With a score of 469, Indonesia is trying to improve its English language skills so that it can compete better at the global level.

"Data shows that Java is the region with the highest proficiency while Papua shows the lowest proficiency. Jakarta and Surabaya emerge as cities with the highest English proficiency," EF Director of Academic Affairs Emma Walton, Monday 27 November.

She said, Indonesia, in preparation to realize the vision of a Golden Indonesia, has identified English language skills as one of the important keys that will lead this nation towards a brighter future.

In the national context, positive steps have been taken by the Indonesian government, with an increase in the education budget of almost 20 percent in the 2024 national budget.

This support includes school infrastructure, scholarships, improving the quality of higher education institutions, and strengthening research and innovation. English language proficiency is considered a crucial element in preparation for Indonesia's Golden Era in 2045.

Emma presents a series of recommendations based on the EF EPI findings. For companies, she suggests setting realistic goals, testing workforce members, and training employees as needed.

For the government, Emma Walton stressed the need to set minimum proficiency levels for English language teachers, as well as providing adults with access to learning programs.

In this context, education acts as a carrier of values and understanding, not as a tool to replace local cultural values.

Emma believes that English language skills have a direct impact on economic competitiveness, social development and innovation.

Countries with higher levels of English proficiency tend to have higher average incomes, better quality of life, and investment in research and development.

In recent decades, a consistent correlation has been found between English language skills and economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product.

English has become a fundamental skill in shaping the modern workforce, facilitating international trade and increasing competitiveness.

"The government will be the key to improving Indonesia's English language skills in the future. English language skills play a crucial role in economic competitiveness, social mobility and global innovation," added Emma Walton.

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