JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo responded to clashes between religious organizations and indigenous organizations in Bitung City, North Sulawesi. The Kapolda, Pangdam, and other related parties are said to continue to try to secure the situation.

"Yes, what is clear is that until today the Pangdam, Kapolda and all stakeholders work together to appeal so that events do not happen again," Sigit told reporters, Monday, November 27.

Members of religious organizations and other mass organizations involved in clashes were asked to maintain unity. In addition, other communities are also asked not to be easily provoked

"Don't make it then divide the existing harmony," said Sigit.

The clash began when a group of mobs held a peaceful demonstration to support Palestine, Saturday, November 25. However, suddenly another mass organization appeared who immediately attacked.

As a result, two victims suffered injuries and 1 person died. From this incident, the North Sulawesi Police arrested 7 perpetrators and hundreds of evidence in the incident.

The seven perpetrators each had the initials RP, HP, GK, FL, BI, MP, and RA.

In addition, the police also confiscated dozens of evidences in the form of wayer arrows, sharp weapons of badik type and sword, flags of mass organizations and firecrackers.

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