BENGKULU - Sahabat Mahfud throughout Sumatra invited the public in the 2024 election to choose a leader with integrity. "Come on, the volunteers to come to their relatives, convince them to choose the best leader," said Sahabat Coordinator Mahfud throughout Sumatra Ridwan Mukti in Bengkulu, Sunday. Volunteer Mahfud MD on Sunday 26 November 2023 held grand meeting activities throughout Sumatra Sahabat Mahfud in Bengkulu. The grand meeting was aimed at consolidating Sahabat Mahfud volunteers throughout Sumatra to win the 2024 election. Activities attended by all regional coordinator representatives (Korda) and regional coordinators (Korwil) from various provinces and districts in Sumatra.

Furthermore, a number of representatives of Korda and Korwil wrote their hopes to Mahfud MD on the provided Board of Hope. Most asked Mahfud to remain consistent, brave and firm in law enforcement in order to create equitable welfare and social justice.Coordinator Sahabat Mahfud throughout Sumatra as well as MMD Advisor Initiative Ridwan Mukti hopes that Korda and Korwil Sahabat Mahfud throughout Sumatra will be more solid in reporting Mahfud's track record to the public. "This is a superior, clean product of integrity and has a religious side. If our friends are struggling, then we have to help as much as possible. I will not invite you to choose, because certainly friends support the struggle of friends," said Ridwan.

Then, the Executive Director of the MMD Initiative Asmai Ishak conveyed Mahfud's message to all elements about the importance of peaceful and civilized elections. "Don't let anyone fight between brothers. In order to get a good leader. If the method is good, the results will be good," said Asmai.

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