Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi asked the public not to be instigated by hoaxes related to clashes between the two mass groups that occurred in Bitung, North Sulawesi.

"We urge all citizens of the nation to use all digital platforms wisely. Together let's create a peaceful and dignified Indonesia," Budi said, confirmed by ANTARA, Sunday, November 26.

He invited the public to be wise in seeking information from the right sources and recommending that they could refer to the information provided by the local government authorities.

Budi advised the public to ask for information by contacting representatives of the closest regional leadership so that they are not instigated by confusing information and have not been verified.

"If you want the right information, you can contact the regional government authorities there, as well as all of the Regional Leadership Deliberations," said Budi.

Previously, on Saturday (25/11) there had been an action submission by a group of mobs and almost created clashes with one of the community organizations (ormas) in Bitung City, North Sulawesi (Sulut).

Fortunately, the clashes were prevented by security officers at the location and since 19.50 WITA the atmosphere in the center of Bitung City has returned to conducive and safe.

The Mayor of Bitung, Maurits Mantiri, invited the people of Bitung City to keep the situation and safe conditions under control.

"Therefore, let us jointly support the efforts of the government in the field by not distributing photos and videos that can provoke various parties," he said.

Maurits invites the public to be able to maintain security in the city while maintaining friendly and polite one.

If the public sees things that have the potential to damage peace, he asks the public to be able to report it to representatives of the government or the nearest TNI and Polri. The public can also contact the Complaint Center in 112.

If there are prominent things, immediately report them to the nearest government / TNI Polri apparatus or contact Call Center 112 (free).

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