JAKARTA In order to improve the welfare of teachers in Indonesia, the government is taking strategic steps, especially by improving the mechanism for implementing Teacher Professional Education (PPG) in office. As an ambitious target, the government is trying to pass one million certification teachers in 2024 through the implementation of PPG in office.

In commemoration of Teacher's Day on Saturday, November 25, Abetnego, Deputy II at the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) stated that of the million teachers who have not yet received certification allowances, the government is committed to improving their welfare through PPG in office.

"Currently, 1.6 million teachers are still waiting for prosperity through certification allowances. The government is committed to hacking this road through the PPG program in office," he said.

Abetnego emphasized that the focus is not only on teachers under the Ministry of Education and Culture, but also on the welfare of madrasas teachers. In November 2023, the government has distributed an inpassing teacher allowance of IDR 1.4 million per month for 100 thousand madrasa teachers. In addition, payment for BPJS Ketenagakerjaan contributions began for 221,000 non-PNS teachers under the Ministry of Religion, as a social security protection measure for teachers.

In the context of increasing the number of teachers, Abetnego said that of the target of 1.1 million Government Employee teachers with Work Agreements (PPPK), 850 thousand teachers have been fulfilled, and this figure is expected to continue to grow until the end of the year. The government is also preparing a special PPPK scheme to meet the needs of education personnel in the Papua region. The scheme includes recruitment of high school/vocational school graduates, who will be given the opportunity to teach while continuing their studies to the undergraduate level and professional education.

In addition to focusing on welfare, the government also pays attention to improving the competence of vocational teachers, especially in Vocational High School (SMK). The SMK PK program is recognized as the government's effort to provide wider space for teacher self-development through internship programs, industrial certification, teaching practitioners, and collaboration with the business and industrial world.

Abetnego emphasized that all these steps reflect the government's commitment to improving the quality and welfare of teachers, being an important part of the development of the education sector in Indonesia.

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