BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java built a logistics warehouse for the local General Election Commission (KPU) as a storage location related to the implementation of the 2024 General Election.

Head of the Bekasi Regency Cipta Karya and Spatial Planning Agency Benny Sugiarto Prawiro said the construction of the logistics warehouse was based on the submission made by the Bekasi Regency KPU.

"This is a form of our support from the Bekasi Regency Government so that the election will run successfully without any obstacles due to the representative unavailability of logistics storage warehouses," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 24.

He said the construction of this logistics warehouse used a financing allocation of IDR 4.7 billion, sourced from the Bekasi Regency Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in 2023.

"God willing, it will be completed before the election. Currently, the progress of development is above 70 percent. We are targeting that before December 27, 2023, this warehouse can be used," he said. The head of the Bekasi Regency KPU Ali Rido appreciated the Bekasi Regency Government for building a logistics warehouse considering the existence of this building is considered very important to accommodate the large number of election logistics needs.

"So far, we have rented a logistics warehouse in the East Cikarang area, a pantura route. The warehouse is quite representative, high and wide. The most important thing is that CCTV has also been monitored to maintain confidentiality," he said.

With the construction of this logistics warehouse, the Bekasi Regency KPU in the future no longer needs to rent a logistics building located relatively far from the KPU Office.

"Alhamdulillah, this new warehouse was built behind our office, so access is easier. We are also easy to monitor," he said.

Ali hopes that the construction of the logistics warehouse can be completed in time before the election is held. "We hope that before the election it will be completed. Because we need a building to accommodate a large number of ballot boxes," he said.

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