JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff, General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Moeldoko, invites the public to participate in supervising the neutrality of State Apparatus, both from civilians and the TNI/Polri in the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election.

"If you find a violation of the neutrality of the state apparatus, just report it, or if necessary, go viral," he said after speaking at the Routine Forum of the Public Relations Coordination Agency (Bakohumas) at the Pullman Jakarta hotel, Thursday, November 23.

Moeldoko emphasized that the government already has instruments to monitor and ensure neutral state apparatus in political contestation. Namely through various regulations, both in the form of laws and regulations of the KPU and Bawaslu. The government's strong determination in maintaining neutrality, according to him, must be accompanied by the spirit of the community to monitor the behavior of state officials in the field.

"The instrument already exists, the government has strong determination. Now it's just a matter of how alert the community is to see what behavior is going on in the field," he said.

Still, Moeldoko said, so far the democratic process in Indonesia has been going well from time to time. He also hoped that the increasingly mature democratic process would not be defeated by assumptions and perceptions.

Previously, Moeldoko also encouraged government public relations actors to build a professional and neutral communication bridge with the community. This is needed so that the government does not lose public trust. "This thrust is our foundation to serve the public," he said when speaking at the Bakohumas Routine Forum.

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