JAKARTA - The Bekasi District Government, West Java (West Java) has closed places of worship in neighborhoods (RT/RW) that are included in the COVID-19 red zone category.

The closure was carried out during the implementation of the micro-scale community activity restrictions (PPKM)

"According to the provisions, if we find neighborhoods that are in the red zone, we will close their places of worship to prevent the spread of COVID-19", said Deputy Chairperson of the Bekasi Regency COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force, Hendra Gunawan. February.

Hendra said there were a number of provisions on limiting activities that were implemented during the implementation of micro-scale community activity restrictions in Bekasi Regency.

Apart from places of worship, he said, sports facilities and socio-cultural activities were also closed for the neighborhoods with red zone status.

People in the neighborhood are not allowed to gather more than three people. Then, activities outside and inside the environment are also restricted.

"The same goes for the orange zone, and the yellow zone like that only slightly decreases. For example, the orange zone for places of worship is opened but only 25 percent capacity maybe", he said.

In the green zone, said Hendra, residents can still do activities but still apply strict health protocols.

When there are cases in the green zone, they are immediately reported and the area begins to restrict activities according to the number of cases.

"The data for the zones will always be updated, changing according to case developments", he said.

The Bekasi Metro Police Chief explained that the zoning was based on the number of cases spread at the neighborhood level. The green zone is if there are no positive cases or zero cases, while the yellow zone is if one to five residents are positive for COVID-19.

Then the orange zone is if in the neighborhoods there are six to 10 positive cases and finally the red zone is enforced in the neighborhoods which have more than 10 positive cases.

"Based on data from colleagues in the field, Bekasi Regency has no neighborhoods that are included in the red zone, only those in the yellow zone are still light yellow but we treat them like the orange zone to prevent the spread of the virus", he said.

In addition to limiting activities, his party focuses on improving the handling of case prevention by optimizing tests, close contact tracing, and follow-up in the form of care for COVID-19 patients while endeavoring through mass vaccination.

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