BOGOR - Thousands of masses consisting of the United Parungpanjang community stormed the Parung Panjang District Office on Mohamad Toha Street, Bogor Regency, West Java on Monday, November 20.

The masses held a demonstration following a polemic of mining trucks that had no solution, continuing to take victims of accidents and concrete resolution of the former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil.

Based on the information gathered, thousands of people held a demonstration right in front of the Parung Panjang District Office. The traffic flow in front of the Parung Panjang District Office was forced to be closed by thousands of people.

It can be seen that the mass of action carrying miniature coffins is made of bamboo and black cloth complete with a plastic yellow flag. Not only that, the banner reads 'We Need Fresh Air, Not Pollution','Dead Price Mining Channel', and others.

There was also a poster with a picture of a mouse with the words 'Pungli Jalan Continues to Never Break, There is One THOUSAND Roads of Lu Mulus!' In addition, there was also a banner that read 'This Office Is Sealed by the Community'.

A transverse command car was seen in the middle of Mohamad Toha Street. The protesters also tried to break through the Satpol PP barricades guarding the Parungpanjang District Office.

Demonstrations also heated up pushing each other with the authorities and throwing mineral water packaging at the sub-district office.

"The city's Bogor is raining, not a city of dust. Change the Camat," shouted the orator from the command car.

"The sub-district head left, the sub-district head left," said the crowd.

Berikut tuntutan massa aksi damai Parungpanjang Bersatu dudianya;

1. Changes to the Regent's Regulation (Perbup) must be implemented as soon as possible; the portal must be built immediately and 24-hour Transportation Agency guard must be carried out immediately.

2. Construction and repair of damaged roads must be executed immediately.

3. The mining road promised by Ridwan Kamil 6 years ago must be realized immediately. The provincial government must have self-respect with its promises. Must have integrity and courage.

4. Assign Muspika who has integrity and courage to fix Parungpanjang's problems, especially the problem of Provincial Roads which have been mining roads for decades.

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