Left Behind By His Mother Going With A New Husband, A 24-year-old Youth In Cakung Hangs Himself
Reflecting on the reflection of the light when the victim's body was found hanging himself in Cakung/ Photo: IST

Residents on Jalan Rawa Kuning, Gang Tumbul, RT012 RW06, Cakung, East Jakarta were shocked by the discovery of a man's body hanging in the ceiling of his house. The incident made residents wonder what caused the victim to die.

Information obtained, the victim named Reza (24) was found hanging by his younger brother at home, Thursday night, November 16, at around 21.00 WIB.

According to information from local residents, the victim was suspected of being depressed because she lived alone with her sister. Because, it was stated that the two parents of the victim were not there. His father died, while his mother left Reza and his sister. The victim and his sister live together at home without anyone to accompany them. While the status of the victim is without work.

Legal alone with his sister. His mother followed her new husband. His brother and father were dead. The victim was found hanging from his house. said a local resident, Thursday night, November 16.

The discovery of the victim's body began when his sister went to the shop, was told by the victim (his brother) to buy cigarettes. Because the shop distance was so close, the younger brother did not take long to return to his house to give the cigarette that his brother had entrusted.

"Previously, his sister was told to buy cigarettes by the victim," he said.

As of 21.30 WIB, the victim's body had been removed from the ceiling to be laid at his house. However, the information is that the body has not been taken to the hospital.

"Maybe there is no cost for the post-mortem", residents said.

The police who received the report have arrived at the crime scene (TKP).

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