TANGERANG One Teluknaga Police prisoner with the initials G, was found dead in detention, on Tuesday night, November 14. Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho confirmed the incident.

"It's true, the prisoner is the perpetrator who died," said Zain in his statement, Thursday, November 16.

The former Tangerang Police Chief said that the Propam Bid Polda Metro Jaya was conducting an examination of its members who were guarding, to determine whether there was an element of negligence in carrying out the procedure.

"Still under investigation by the Propam Polda Metro Jaya, we will convey the results further," concluded it.

Zain also explained that the victim was found dead in the bathroom. When the body was examined by officers, there were snare wounds on the neck.

Police said the detainee was killed by suicide in a self-reflection manner.

"It is suspected that he hanged himself. In accordance with the results of the crime scene processing and the statements of several witnesses to the incident," said Zain, Thursday, November 16.

Zain admitted that his party had given an explanation to his family that the incident was purely due to hanging himself, and his family already understood.

The victim was properly buried by the family and refused to do an autopsy.

"After we explained, based on the crime scene processing and witness statements including the victim's condition when found, the family understood, accepted and accepted the victim's death by making a statement not to do an autopsy," he concluded.

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