JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo emphasized that rivalries that occur at the global level are normal, but must be managed well so as not to cause open conflict and disrupt regional stability.

"For Indonesia, competition and rivalry are natural. US and China competition, east and west competition, is natural and normal. "The existence of differences is normal, but the important thing is that they must be managed well, so as not to cause open conflict which could trigger regional instability," said Jokowi, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 14.

This was conveyed by the President in his policy speech at Georgetown University, Washington DC, United States, Monday local time, as shown by the Presidential Secretariat YouTube video uploaded Tuesday evening.

He said communication, space for dialogue, collaboration, and cooperation were the keys to achieving stability and peace both in the region and in the world.

Indonesia, he said, is always open to cooperating with every country, and does not side with any power except for peace and humanity.

"That is the principle we brought to Indonesia's chairmanship of the G20 and ASEAN, which is carried out in a world situation that is divided with very sharp rivalries and heated geopolitics," he said.

Jokowi said many people asked how Indonesia could organize the G20 Summit and ASEAN Summit well.

According to him, the key is to listen and take a role as a bridge over problems that occur at the global level.

Jokowi then explained that Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands, and 2/3 of Indonesia's territory is water, with a population currently almost reaching 300 million.

He also said that Indonesia has 714 tribes and more than 1,100 regional languages.

As the world's third largest democracy, he said, next year Indonesia will hold elections.

"Presidential and legislative or parliamentary elections and then in November there will be elections for governors, regents, and mayors. Direct choice by the people. There are 38 governors, 514 regents, and mayors. And after that there is also the choice of village heads, numbering 74,800. he explained.

He emphasized that Indonesia is a country united by diversity. For Indonesia, difference and diversity are gifts.

"And in managing its diversity, Indonesia has a guide, has an ideology, namely Pancasila, unity in diversity which inspires in every aspect of life, including national life," he said.

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