YOGYAKARTA Profile of Muhammad Syaugi is in the public spotlight. The reason is that he is currently appointed as the National Winning Team Captain (Timnas) for the presidential and vice presidential candidates Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar for the 2024 presidential election.

The announcement of the Amin National Team's own composition was carried out directly by Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) which was held on Jalan Diponegoro 10, Menteng, Central Jakarta, today.

TNI Intermediate Marshal (Ret.) Muhammad Syaugi Alaydrus is a former Head of the National SAR Agency (Basarnas). The retired officer in the Air Force (AU) was born on December 10, 1960 in Malang, East Java.

Syaugi's career in the Indonesian Air Force is also quite good. In fact, he became the winner of Adhi Makayasa, an annual award for the best graduates in the high education of the TNI and Police. Syaugi himself graduated the best at the Air Force Academy (AAU) in 1984.

In 2004, Syaugi was sent to go to Badminton or Russia to become the Indonesian Defense Attache (Athan). Then in 2006 he became an Intermediate Officer (Pamen) who served in the TNI Strategic Intelligence Agency (Bais) in 2006.

While in his agency, Muhammad Syaugi Alaydrus also sat in an important chair. For example, in 2011 he served as Commander of Iswahjudi Air Base. He also briefly became Commander of the Hanudnas IV Sector Operations Command (Pangkosek) with headquarters in Biak, Papua.

In addition, Anies Baswedan also revealed that Vice Marshal Muhammad Syaugi Alaydrus was an F16 fighter jet pilot when he was still active in the Indonesian Air Force which had a 4,000-hour flight experience.

Syaugi himself was appointed as Kabasarnas in January 2017. During his career at Basarnas, he was also quite active, especially related to handling and evacuating disaster victims. For example, Syaugi was involved in the evacuation of victims of KM Sinar Bangun who at that time were in tandem in Lake Toba, North Sumatra.

One of the moments that made Syaugi quite well known was when he led directly in the search for victims of the Lion Air JT 610 accident that crashed in Tanjung Pakis, Karawang, West Java in 2018. At that moment, Syaugi cried while attending the meeting forum between the families of the victims of Lion Air JT-610 which was held on November 5, 2018. He admitted that he felt the sadness felt by the families of the passengers who were victims of the plane crash.

The position as Kabasarnas itself was played by Syaugi for 2 years. He finally ended the position in January 2019.

That's information related to Muhammad Syaugi's profile. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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