YOGYAKARTA - It was confirmed that there were 17 political parties participating in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) that did not meet the requirements for the female candidate quota of 30 percent as mandated in the Election Law. It is known that only the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) fulfills these requirements in all electoral districts (Dapil). So which political parties do not fulfill the quota of female candidates?

"Basically, almost all electoral districts, there are DCT (deputy candidate lists) for DPR members who do not meet 30 percent (representation) of women," said Executive Director of Network for Democracy and Electoral Integrity (Netgrit) Hadar Nafis Gumay, Sunday, 12 November 2023.

The reason is, Netgrit is a member of the Coalition for Women's Representation and Coalition also consists of the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID), which is a Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Institute of Women, Kalyanamitra, Indonesian Women's Coalition, Center for Constitutional Studies (PUSAKO) Andalas University, University of Indonesia Political Studies Center (Puskapol), Center for Constitutional Law Studies (PSHTN) University of Indonesia, Themis Indonesia and Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW).

There are also those who register into the Coalition individually, namely;

In fact, from the results of the Netgrit search, in the first position is the National Awakening Party (PKB) which becomes the most parties that do not meet the requirements of female candidates as much as 30 percent. Furthermore, in second place there is the Indonesian Democratic Struggle (PDIP and followed by the Democratic Party, Golkar Party and Gerindra Party.

Here are some complete lists of party rows that do not meet the quota of female candidates 30 percent accompanied by the number of electoral districts;

PKB - 30 DapilPDIP - 29 DapilDemocrat - 24 DapilGolkar and Gerindra - 22 DapilPKN - 21 DapilPartai Gelora - 19 DapilPAN - 17 Dapil Nasdem and PBB - 16 DapilPPP - 12 DapilPartai Garuda - 9 DapilPartai Labor - 6 DapilPartai Perindo and Partai Ummat - 5 DapilPSI - 4 Dapil

Hadar gave several examples of political parties that did not meet the quota of 30 percent of female legislative candidates, especially in the electoral areas of West Java 10 there were 9 political parties, namely PDIP, Golkar, NasDem, Labor, PKN, Garuda, PKB, Gerindra, and Democrats. "The rest is fulfilled," he said.

Several parties that did not meet the 30 percent requirements, according to Hadar's opinion, contradicted the declaration of election with integrity that was held by the General Elections Commission (KPU) as the election organizer. He accused the KPU of allowing the violation to happen.

"The KPU clearly neglected the violation of the election nomination system and the mandate of the law," said Hadar.

The Coalition urges the KPU to disqualify political parties in electoral districts that do not meet the 30 percent requirement for female candidates in DCT. The coalition urges the General Election Supervisory Agency or Bawaslu to supervise and deal with these violations.

Currently, the Coalition urges the KPU to disqualify political parties in electoral districts that do not meet the requirements of 30 percent of female candidates in DCT. It is known that the Coalition has pressured the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) to supervise and overcome these violations.

"Without waiting for a report," said the Coalition in a written statement.

So after knowing several political parties that did not fulfill the quota of female candidates, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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