JAKARTA - Public Relations Coordinator of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Tubagus Erif said, Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej or Eddy Hiariej was still working as usual after the news of the determination of the suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). "Regarding the news regarding the position / whereabouts of the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, we need to convey as follows that the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights continues to carry out their duties and obligations properly," said Tubagus in a statement in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 14. Tubagus also said that since yesterday until today, Eddy Hiariej has been in Jakarta and is carrying out his routine as usual at the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights Office in Kuningan, South Jakarta. "Since Monday, November 13, 2023, until now, his position in Jakarta, precisely at the Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, has carried out routines as usual," said Tubagus. Regarding the whereabouts of the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, previously Menkumham Yasonna H. Laoly admitted that he did not know because he had just returned to Indonesia from an official trip abroad. "I don't know, I don't know. I just arrived from abroad," Yasonna said when she opened the International Conference on Cross-Cultural Religious Literacy in Central Jakarta, Monday, November 13. In addition, Yasonna also invited the KPK to continue the legal process against Eddy Hiariej, who had been named a suspect in the alleged bribery case. "Just go ahead with the process, but we have to have a presumption of innocence," said Yasonna. Previously, the KPK said that it had signed a letter determining Wamenkumham Eddy Hiariej as a suspect in the alleged bribery case about two weeks ago. "The determination of the suspect Wamenkumham, that's right, we signed it about two weeks ago," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata at the KPK's Red and White Building, South Jakarta, Thursday (9/11). Alex said that his party also named other suspects in the investigation of the alleged corruption case. "Four suspects, from the three recipients, gave one," said Alex. Eddy Hiariej was reported by Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) to the KPK on suspicion of gratification of Rp7 billion. IPW chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso on Tuesday (14/3) reported Yogi Ari Rukmana as Eddy Hiariej's personal assistant and advocate Yosie Andika Mulyadi to the KPK.
Sugeng Teguh Santoso reported both of them on suspicion of receiving gratuities worth IDR 7 billion related to consultation and assistance for the ratification of a company's legal entity.

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