JAKARTA - Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dino Patti Djalal responded to Fredy Kusnadi's report that accused him of committing a criminal act of defamation.

The response to the reporting was conveyed by Dino through a video uploaded on his personal Instagram account @dinopattidjalal.

In the video, Dino said that the reporting was strange because Fredy was considered a member of the land mafia syndicate.

"I heard that a member of the land mafia syndicate reported me to the police for defamation and this is indeed a bit strange because the syndicate is reporting the victim to the police", said Dino as quoted by VOI, Monday, February 15.

Even so, Dino felt happy about it. Because, with the report, Fredy finally appeared.

In fact, it is hoped that the syndicates will appear one by one. So, later the police can examine them and thoroughly investigate the case.

"But I am happy because then at least one person has seen his face, one of these syndicates and hopefully more and more puppeteers of this syndicate will be identified", he said.

Previously it was reported, Fredy Kusnadi reported Dino Patti Djalann with allegations of defamation.

Through his attorney, Ferdy's reporting has been registered with the number: LP/860/II/YAN 2.5/SPKT/PMJ.

The report is related to Dino Patti Djalal's tweet via his personal Twitter social media @dinopattidjalal, who called Fredy Kusnadi the mastermind behind the syndicate of buying and selling his mother's house certificate.

In fact, Dino had legally bought a house owned by Dino's parents by paying a down payment of IDR 500 million from a sale agreement for IDR 11 billion using the credit payment method or in installments.

Then, Fredy also redeemed the house certificate belonging to Dino's parents in the name of his cousin Yurmisnawita in a savings and loan cooperative. Based on the sale and purchase deed (AJB) through the office of the Land Deed Maker (PPAT) in South Jakarta, Fredy also made an attempt to change the name.

The only that recently it was being questioned by Dino. In fact, he even tweeted on social media saying that Ferdy was a land mafia.

"After that, what was wrong and fake? Is this the mafia? Fredy's client met with Mrs. Dino and her niece/cousin several times. There was a receipt for a down payment of IDR 500 million and a total of IDR 950 million", said Ferdy's attorney, Tonin Tachta. confirmed, Sunday, February 14th.

On that basis, Ferdy reported Dino on suspicion of defaming and insulting. In this case, Dino Patti Djalal allegedly violated Article 27 Paragraph 3 Juncto Article 45a Paragraph 3 and or Article 28 Paragraph 2 Juncto Article 45a Paragraph 2 Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE).

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