JAKARTA - Palestinian officials say Israeli military attacks left two infants dead and dozens more in danger after a power outage at Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza, Saturday, November 11.

The worsening situation has made Gaza border authorities announce that the Rafah land route to Egypt will reopen today, Sunday, November 12. This route was closed on Friday (10/11).

A spokesman from the Israeli military, Rear Admiral Daniel Badhi, said his party would help evacuate a trapped baby at Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza.

"The Shifa hospital staff has requested that tomorrow we help the children in the parts of the child get to a safer hospital. We will provide the necessary assistance",wieldani told a news conference quoted by Reuters on Saturday, November 11.

The statement from the Israeli military was judged by medical staff to be unreasonable and very dangerous for the patient who was in the hospital if it had to be moved. This has not been added to the frightening atmosphere due to a series of bullets that the Israeli army vomited in 24 hours without stopping.

"Psiens can die if forced to be moved. This is really a war zone, a very frightening atmosphere has occurred in this hospital. Now there have been continuous bombings for more than 24 hours," said Ahmed al-Mokallalati, one of the senior plastic surgeons at Al Shifa hospital.

Israel previously said doctors, patients, and thousands of refugees displaced in hospitals in Gaza had to leave so they could handle Hamas armed groups that it said had placed command centers below and around hospitals.

However, this statement was strongly denied by Hamas. Hamas denies using the hospital for its military purposes and has asked the United Nations and the International Red Cross Committee to send missions to Shifa to investigate Israel's accusations.

The head of coordination and liaison between Israeli defense agencies, Colonel Moshe Tetro, said his party never wanted to harm the hospital. He stressed that there is currently fighting between Israeli soldiers and Hamas soldiers.

"There were clashes between IDF forces (Israeli Defense Forces) and Hamas terrorists around the hospital. There were no shootings at the hospital and no sieges," Colonel Moshe Tetro said, Sunday, November 12.

A Palestinian Health Ministry spokesman said the blind Israeli shooting had killed a patient who was in intensive care.

Ashraf Al-Qidra, who represents the health ministry in Gaza, said snipers from Israeli soldiers were on the roof of a building near a hospital shooting at a medical complex over time, thus limiting people's ability to move.

"We are trapped inside Al Shifa Medical Complex, and the occupation (Israel) has targeted most of the buildings in it," he told Reuters by telephone.

Al Qidra said that currently the hospital had stopped its activities after lighting and power went out. He added that the result of a power outage in the hospital had an impact on two babies dying in the incubator and 45 other babies in danger.

Meanwhile, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad ally of Hamas, the Al-Quds Brigade, posted on social media: "We were involved in violent clashes around Al Shifa Medical Complex, Al-Nasr neighborhood, and Al-Shati camp in Gaza." And Hamas said they did not use the hospital for their military purposes.

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