DELI SERDANG - Candidate for president Ganjar Pranowo is in touch with thousands of students from the Darularafah Raya Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra (North Sumatra). Ganjar is prayed for to become President of Indonesia for the period 2024-2029.

"Hopefully what you aspire to succeed. Amen. Let's read the letter from Al Fatihah. May Allah SWT grant it to Mr. Ganjar Pranowo President 2024," said Chairman of the Darularafah Raya Islamic Boarding School, KH. Indra Porkas Lubis in his remarks.

Indra then encouraged the students to support Ganjar to become President in 2024 by voicing 'Yel-yel'. The 2024 President's Ganjar also echoed.

"I have chants. If I say Mr. Ganjar Pranowo, the answer is the president, the president, the president," said KH. Indra to the students.

"Mr. H. Ganjar Pranowo," said Indra.

"President, president, president," shouted thousands of students.

"Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar," continued Indra, who was followed by the students.

Indra said Ganjar is a big family of Islamic boarding schools. This is because Ganjar is the grandson of KH Hisyam Abdul Karim's son-in-law. Ganjar has a wife named Siti Atikoh Supriyanti or familiarly called Atikoh. Atikoh is the grandson of KH Hisyam.

Kiai Hisyam Abdul Karim is a charismatic cleric, a freedom fighter, and an Indonesian inspiration. He is also the founder of the Roudlotus Sholihin Islamic Boarding School in Sokawera Hamlet, Kalijaran Village, Karanganyar, Purbalingga, Central Java.

"Our father (Ganjar) is a pesantren person. And we are obliged to you, we have an obligation to be able to fight with you," said Indra.

Meanwhile, Ganjar said he was happy with this gathering. Ganjar said the students have extraordinary talents to explain their dreams.

"Earlier with the students related to education. And it turned out that I was surprised, the students had aspirations 'oh, there are many who want to become ustaz-ustazah, but earlier there were also those who wanted to become TNI, Polri to doctors. So it means that these students have quite a lot of talent, we just need to direct them," said Ganjar, Saturday, November 11.

According to Ganjar, the challenges ahead are not easy, and students with religious knowledge and general knowledge can create a more quality generation.

"It's just how to stay in the future and prepare them. There is already a law on pesantren, we just have to implement it, to the regional level, including making regional regulations. This will be one of the strengths of human resources that can participate in solving problems in Indonesia," concluded Ganjar.

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