Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi instructed his staff to prepare for Christmas 2023 and New Year's 2024 transportation well.

"The traffic regulation scenario must be better prepared so that people who return to their hometowns or travel remain safe and get adequate services," said the Minister of Transportation when opening the 2023 Technical Coordination Meeting for Land Transportation, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 8.

Preparation for the implementation of the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year Transportation is one of the agendas discussed at the 2023 Land Transportation Coordination Meeting.

Based on data on the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year transportation, it shows that around 44.17 million people are mobilizing.

"This year, community mobilization during Christmas and New Year is predicted to increase compared to last year," said the Minister of Transportation.

Based on data from the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, it is predicted that the peak of homecoming and backflow will occur twice. The peak of the first homecoming flow will occur on December 22-23, 2023, then the prediction of the peak of the first backflow will occur on December 26-27, 2023.

Meanwhile, the prediction of the peak of the second homecoming flow will occur on 29-30 December 2023 and the prediction of the peak of the second backflow will occur on 1-2 January 2024.

Director General of Land Transportation Hendro Sugiatno conveyed that the Coordination Meeting for Land Transportation in 2023 has the theme "Collaboration of Policies for Inclusive and Sustainable Land Transportation".

"In the future, public transportation technology is also developing rapidly and this is a challenge for us as government officials to be able to follow it by adjusting to existing regulations. We are also required to have the best human resource resource readiness and capabilities. Therefore, we hope that this coordination meeting will be a means of updating information and to improve our capabilities," said Hendro.

Meanwhile, a number of important issues in the land transportation sector discussed in the coordination meeting, namely preparation for the implementation of Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 transportation, implementation of Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations between Central and Regional Governments. Sharp sharpening of the implementation of basic tasks and organizational functions within the Directorate General of Land Transportation and organizational and work procedures discussion, legal advocacy discussions within the Ministry of Transportation as well as discussions related to construction management.

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