CIAWI - Puncak Route, Cisarua, Bogor District, West Java is deserted during Chinese New Year due to the strict imposition of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"The Community Activity Restrictions is carried out to break the spread of COVID-19 in Bogor District and prevent crowds of tourist attractions in the Puncak area of Bogor District", said Bogor Regent, Ade Yasin in Ciawi, Bogor, Friday, February 12.

The tightening of the Community Activity Restrictions by turning back the drivers who did not carry the antigen rapid test results caused several sections of the Puncak Route that were normally crowded with vehicles to now be the opposite. This can be seen at Simpang Gadog, Megamendung Area, and Cisarua Market.

Examination of medical protocols (prokes) and the results of "rapid test" antigen performed intensively. The southern region of Bogor District is often the favorite of travelers.

"This is done to minimize the number of tourists or people outside Bogor who pass into the Bogor District area without an antigen 'rapid test' letter", said the Head of the Bogor District COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

- Jadi-pos-antigen-di-bogor-apa-kabar-ganjil-genap


- leave-lokasi

- remind-ada-fatwa-haram-i-buzzer-i-yang-sebar-fitnah-isah-hoaks




-[-tak conquer-ibu-kota

- Kill-diri-di-korea-selatan-ini-kata-pakar-epidemiologi-social

Bogor District Government implements the micro-based Community Activity Restrictions from Tuesday (9/2) to February 22, 2021. This policy is regulated through the Bogor Regent Decree (Kepbup) Number 443/141/Kpts/Per-UU/2021, which includes nine points.

"According to the Ministry of Home Affairs Instruction No. 3 of 2021, Micro-Based Community Activity Restrictions is carried out by establishing Command Posts (Posko) at the village and sub-district levels involving the National Army, Police Task Force, religious leaders, and other volunteers", he said.

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