AGAM - The Agam Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), West Sumatra suspects that Nasrial (50), a resident of Muaro Putih, Nagari Tiku Lima Jorong, Tanjungmearl District, died as a result of being attacked by an estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus). Nasrial's body was found floating in the Batang Masang River.

"This is based on the condition of the bodies found, it is suspected that the victim was indeed attacked by a crocodile, because his left leg and other body parts were missing," said Ade Putra, Head of the Agam Natural Resources Conservation Resort in Lubukbasung, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 12.

While the cause is, his party will still carry out identification in the field. The Batang Masang River itself is a habitat for estuarine crocodiles.

The river has been planned with the Agam Regency Government as an Essential Ecosystem Area (KEE) in 2019.

"The Batang Masang River is a habitat for estuarine crocodiles and is planned as a KEE," he said.

Ade urged residents to reduce activities in rivers and swamps so as not to be attacked by estuarine crocodiles because January-July is the season for mating and laying their eggs.

From the behavior and life cycle of estuarine crocodiles, January to July is the season for breeding and laying their eggs.

Crocodiles that will mate and lay eggs tend to look for locations that are safe from other individual disturbances.

Especially the mother crocodile that is waiting for the nest egg, will be very aggressive and sensitive to the presence of other creatures, including humans.

"As was found in Nagari Tiku Lima Jorong, Tanjungmearl District, Monday (25/1), where a crocodile egg nest was found guarded by its mother," he said.

Meanwhile, in West Pasaman Regency, in early 2021, crocodile attacks against humans were reported in Ujung Gading, Sasak and finally in Kinali.

The increasing interaction between humans and estuarine crocodiles in recent times is due to several reasons.

BKSDA concluded that several factors increased human-crocodile interaction apart from being caused by the mating and egg-laying seasons. Some of these factors are habitat constriction.

In almost all locations where crocodile attacks occur, their natural conditions have changed into plantations and other cultivated land.

Even along the banks of the river to the estuary, it has been planted and eventually forces the crocodiles to stay in the water all the time.

"Of course this has resulted in more frequent encounters of crocodiles with humans," he said.

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